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Translation of a-t 2022; 53: 47


INSUMAN - delivery shortfall results in market withdrawal

The company Sanofi is permanently stopping production of the human insulin INSUMAN (basal, rapid, comb, but not of INSUMAN Infusat) around the world (1). This follows supply bottlenecks that have persisted since 2022 that the provider claims are due to delays in the delivery of pen components and "problems with the filling, assembly and packing". By stopping the production of the human insulin, Sanofi is hoping to protect the production of the company's more commonly prescribed insulins to "be able to supply more people with diabetes more reliably" (1). We believe that it amounts to an attempt to increase turnover by stopping the production of an evidently less lucrative preparation. Sanofi now relies on insulin analogues almost exclusively. According to the Arzneiverordnungs-Report (Drug Prescription Report) (2), these cost EUR 1.60 (Insulin glulisin; APIDRA) or EUR 1.87 (Insulin glargin; LANTUS) per defined daily dose (DDD), so 34% and 57% respectively more than human insulin (EUR 1.19/day). Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Berlin-Chemie still provide human insulin, - Ed.

1Sanofi: Customer letter to INSUMAN, May 2023; https://a-turl.de/saix
2FREICHEL, M., KLINGE, A., in: LUDWIG, W.D. et al. (Ed.): Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2022, Springer Verlag 2023, page 279-80

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