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Translation of a-t 2019; 50: 39


Negative pressure wound therapy for secondary wound healing

As recently as August 2018, it was not possible for the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, IQWiG) to assess the benefit of vacuum therapy in wounds with intended secondary healing. This was due to a lack of data, which was kept under lock and key by providers such as KCI GmbH and academics. IQWiG condemned this as "breach of ethical and scientific standards" (a-t 2018; 49: 79). Now KCI, at least, has delivered. According to the IQWiG assessment, the data that are currently known indicate a greater benefit of the vacuum method for wound closure: Compared to standard care, wounds heal more frequently and more quickly if a vacuum is generated in the wound area and the wound secretion is suctioned off in vacuum sealing therapy. The data indicate that the stay in hospital is also shortened. There are no differences, among other things, in terms of mortality, adverse events, frequency of amputations, pain and quality of life. The Institute did not identify any reliable information that could be assessed for the criteria of dependence on outside help and need for care (1). However, around a quarter of all study data are still missing, particularly from the independent researchers. Due to the possible publication bias (a-t 2009; 40: 103), the IQWiG has downgraded the reliability of its assessment ("hint" instead of "evidence"). At the same time as the final report on secondary wound healing, the Institute also published the preliminary assessment on the use of vacuum therapy in primary wound healing following surgery. Given that 17% of the data is still missing, the IQWiG has to date only identified a hint of a greater benefit of vacuum therapy to reduce wound infections (2). In its press release, the IQWiG urged once again that legal regulations be introduced for non-pharmaceutical treatment methods and medicinal products which ensure that studies are registered before they start and the results are published in a timely manner (2), -Ed.

1IQWiG: Final report on vacuum sealing therapy of wounds with intended secondary healing, as at 24 January 2019; http://www.a-turl.de/?k=uens
2IQWiG: Press release of 28 March 2019; http://www.a-turl.de/?k=eckd

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